Saint Louis real estate this is a christmas gift you want to give away

Interested in St. Louis real estate deals? Everybody wants to cash in on this down economy, right? Everybody dreams of becoming a real estate tycoon when the time is right, right? Everybody has heard the saying “flipping properties will put money in your pocket, but cash flow will make you rich,” right? I was at Borders book store the other day, sitting in the real estate investment section, wanted to get an idea of how many people are heading to that section, and looking for the right book that is going to explain to them in step by step detail, how to make it rich in real estate. Well, my friends, I have read those books, I have bought the bootcamps, I have attended almost countless hours of webinars and network meetings, and the answer is right in front of all of our faces, invest where the numbers make sense, invest in St. Louis real estate deals.

So, after that introduction, again, why St. Louis real estate deals? Very simple, the numbers make sense. We have been purchasing property in Dayton Ohio over the past year. We have purchased and kept for cash flow, along with flipping deals to other investors. We chose Dayton because it was easy to set up an excellent team in Dayton. We have in place, an investor, a realtor, a couple of contractors, two property managers, and to be honest with you, they all work their butts off for us. Now we head out to St. Louis to see if the deals are the same. We have completed our research online, we are virtual investors from Southern California, we don’t live in St. Louis, but we do know that St. Louis has some of the best real estate deals on paper. We just like to get out there and meet our contractors and realtors face to face, we take pride in our work.

Our team knows and depends on us to bring our buyers out there and spend money. Do you think they would jeopardize a good thing, to rip off our clients over a couple hundred dollars? No way! Our team is very loyal to us, they look out for us, they never bite the hand that feeds them.

From what we have seen on paper, St. Louis real estate dealsare some of the best in the country right now. There are so many section 8 renters that are waiting for property to become available. Our property managers love section 8 because the money comes right from the government, like clockwork. If you are looking for a property to make sense, if you are looking to start your real estate investment career, start with St. Louis real estate deals, we have seen properties for as cheap as $18,000 on up to $135,000. We look forward to making you the next Robert Allen.

st louis real estate deals

st. Louis real estate

st. Louis real estate

Eric Vasques – Contributing to this article about , St. Louis real estate deals is our very own Eric Vasques. Eric is an investor, writer, and most important, great person.

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